Quantum Computing (QC) is a reality from the theoretical and pratical points
of view. New techniques are turning quantum operations feasible Ion Traps
(IT) among them. In IT experiments, quantum bits (qubits) are formed from
the electronic states of trapped ions and coupled through the Coulomb interaction.
The brain is the most sophisticated processing machine developed by nature
so far, and QIC has been considered to model its function7. Dendritic spines
(DS) are specialized synaptic structures (see Fig. 1) allowing large, extremely
rapid, long lasting and localized [Ca2+] build up at the spine. They are very
plastic structures involved in both rapid (imprinting) and slow learning.
Quantum Mechanics is the most accurate description at atomic level and it
lies behinds all chemistry that provides the basis for biology ... maybe the
magic of entanglement is also crucial for life. In line with this reasoning,
we propose DS as IT devices and Deutsch-Joza algorithm (DJA) to model a Cortical
Pattern Recognition Device (CPRD), and implemented a probabilistic CPRD that
was successfully in visual pattern recognition.
ROCHA , A., E. MASSAD and F. A. B. COUTINHO. (2004) Can
the brain do quantum computation? Medical Hypothesis. 63: 895-899