Modern neuroscience is providing a new understanding of cognition and disclosing the properties of the neural circuits supporting language production and understanding, arithmetic calculations, etc. This new knowledge is changing the traditional view culture about many cognitive functions and how children inherit and improve them by learning. Arithmetic is now assumed to be a survival tool shaped by evolution allowing animals to quantify objects and events in order to search for places where more food is available and less enemies threaten life. Neural circuits for quantification and calculation are known to be inherited by the newborn human. Human language capability may know be understood as supported by some special types of neurons found also in other animals and dependent on complex association of cells distributed almost all over the brain

Modern techniques of brain imaging are allowing neuroscientist a better comprehension of the human cognitive functions. The most popular among these techniques is fMRI, which requires special facilities and provides an unfriendly environment for children and it is not routinely used to study the neurodinamics of children cognitive development. The electroencephalogram (EEG) on the contrary is an easy to use and transportable technique. Microcomputers turned EEG even more portable and allow EEG recording to be networked with other machines presenting cognitive tests to the child as funny games in his/her school.

RANI developed a new EEG technology of this type to study different cognitive functions in normal and disabled individuals, with the purpose to better understand language processing, arithmetic calculations and visual reasoning. The results of these investigations are being used to guide the production of informatized educational activities (IEA) to help children to have a better cognitive developmeng at the school. These are the main goals of the project ENSCER®.


Rocha et al. (2009) A Neuroeconomic modeling of Attention-Deficit/Hiperactive Disorder (ADHD). J. Biological Systems, 17:597-621