Neuroeconomics has the purpose to ground economic models in the biological substrate of the brain for decision-making. We used the measure of the entropy of the correlation of EEG activity to study the neural correlates of decision making. We carried out many different experiments that provided information for modelling the neural process of making decisions:


EEG Books for processing and Brain Mapping electroencephalografic data

Modelling Moral Dillema Judgment: A neuroeconomic approach

Modelling Moral Dillema Judgment

Moral dilemma revisited: A Loreta analysis


What We Learn about Global Systemic Risk with Neurosciences

Brain Activity Follow Up of Stock Market Financial Variables

The 2008 Crisis from the Neurofinance Perspective: Investor Humor and Market Sentiment

Modelling Neurofinance: How Do We Make Financial Decisions



ROCHA, A. F. e F. T. Rocha – Neuroeconomia e Processo Decisório. LTC, São Paulo; 2011